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Sustainability Initiatives

Sustainability Policy

To achieve a sustainable society, MJC Group is committed to the following sustainability policy.

01To be a company that promotes conscientious development

Strive to fulfil social responsibilities and achieve economic prosperity.

02To be a company that is trusted by its customers

Provide high-value products and services to customers.

03To be a company that treats the environment and society with due consideration and gratitude

Strive to create a prosperous environment and cooperate with society.

04To be a company where diverse and demonstrable abilities are showcased

Build a system that enables each and every employee to cultivate and demonstrate their diverse abilities.

Sustainability Promotion Structure

MJC Group regards sustainability initiatives as an important corporate activity and has established the following structure to promote and realise medium to long-term improvements in corporate value.

  • Sustainability
    Advisory Committee
  • Board of Directors
  • President & CEO
  • Management Committee
  • Sustainability
    Promotion Department
  • Compliance Risk
    Management Committee

Risk Management

At MJC, our president is a chief executive of risk management to mitigate and reduce substantial risks to the business, ensuring continuous operation. A Compliance Risk Management Committee has been set up to monitor activities throughout the Group, ensuring that each department’s risk management activities remain appropriate to any risks that may occur.
The committee reports their findings to the Management Board, then the Board of Directors deliberates them.

Materiality (important issues)

The following materiality (important issues) to be addressed by MJC Group have been defined initiatives in the operational strategy.

1.Continuous creation of value-added products and pursuit of productivity and operational efficiency

Specific initiatives
  • The company will develop and launch new products and value-added/distinctive products to increase its market share and improve profitability.
  • The company will also seek to improve productivity by investing in automation equipment for the manufacture of our products and to increase operational efficiency through digital transformation (DX).
  • The company will work to strengthen relationships with global customers.
Indicators and targets

For details on sales, operating profit, R&D expenditure, and capital expenditure, see FV26.

2.Promotion of the development and advancement of diverse human resources

Specific initiatives
  • Human resource development and career independence support
  • Creating a workplace environment and organizational culture where a diverse staff can thrive
  • Promotion of employee health management
Indicators and targets

For more information, see the 'Society' page.

3.Appropriate response to the environment in which the business operates

Specific initiatives
  • Climate change response
    To help prevent global warming, we promote the reduction of resource and energy consumption throughout our operations and work to reduce GHG emissions as well as save energy in terms of energy consumption intensity.
  • 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) activities
    We are engaged in recycling activities by recovering rare metals, components and other materials in the product manufacturing process, thereby reducing waste. In addition, we have installed wastewater treatment equipment to ensure that wastewater discharged from manufacturing processes does not impact the environment, and that treated water is only discharged into sewage after undergoing processes such as coagulation and sedimentation.
  • Chemical substance management
    Chemical substances used are properly managed under relevant laws and regulations. Before introducing a chemical substance, we conduct risk assessments to ascertain hazards to human health. We then take any necessary measures to mitigate such risks.
    In addition, we have established a chemical registration system to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and to certify that the amounts of chemicals used by each department are all in accordance with our compliance assessment procedures.
Indicators and targets

Concerning climate change, the Group has disclosed the results of an analysis of the impact of climate change on the Group. In addition, the Group is committed to saving energy and reducing CO₂ emissions to mitigate climate change.
In regards to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, we plan to gradually reduce GHG emissions in Japan from 2024 onwards. In addition, we will decrease our average annual energy intensity by more than 1% over a period of five years across all domestic sites in accordance with the Energy Conservation Act. For more information, see Climate Change Initiatives.
We will continue to achieve zero violations of laws and regulations concerning chemical substance management.

4.Building a strong business foundation

Specific initiatives
  • Ensuring compliance
    The Group has established a group-wide compliance system and is implementing compliance training.
  • Enhancement of the global risk management system
    The Group shall establish a global risk management system for the entire Group.
  • Business Continuity Plan (BCP)
    The Group has formulated and executed a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) to ensure the continuity and early recovery of core business operations in the event of a major natural disaster or emergency.
Indicators and targets

MJC Group shall continue to achieve zero violations of laws and regulations.
Details are given on the following pages.
>Business Continuity Plan (BCP)

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