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Corporate Governance

Basic Policy on Corporate Governance


The purpose of this Basic Policy on Corporate Governance (hereinafter “the Basic Policy”) is for MICRONICS JAPAN CO., LTD., (hereinafter “MJC”) and its Group companies (hereinafter “the MJC Group”) to achieve sustainable growth and increase the medium- to long-term corporate value through the pursuit of more ideal corporate governance.

Basic Approach to Corporate Governance

MJC is committed to boosting its corporate value and to fulfilling its corporate social responsibility. An important issue toward that end is to enhance the checking function of the management setup from the standpoint of ensuring the appropriateness and transparency of management decision-making. Accordingly, MJC will enhance its corporate governance through proper fulfillment of the current roles and duties of the Board of Directors and the Audit & Supervisory Board and based on the Basic Policy for Establishing Internal Control Systems.

  • Ensuring Shareholder Rights and Equality
  • Appropriate Cooperation with Stakeholders Other Than Shareholders
  • Ensuring Appropriate Information Disclosure and Transparency
  • Duties of the Board of Directors, Etc.
  • Dialogue with Shareholders

Organization chart

Shareholder's Meeting - Board of Directors (Audit & Supervisory Committee) - President / Corporate Audit Office - Executive Committee - Corporate Planning & Strategy Division / Administration Division / Probe Card Division / Test Equipment Division / Quality Assurance Group

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